Saturday, April 9, 2011

How early reviews hurt sales of indie games

When a game reviewer is given a copy of a game for consideration, we're almost always told when we're allowed to publish the review. In a perfect world, these embargoes put everyone on the same footing and allow reviewers to play through a game in its entirety instead of rushing through it to be first. In the real world, they're often used to make sure an outlet picked by the publisher gets an exclusive. That's a story for another time; we're here to discuss another issue that has come up in conversations with independent developers. Many of them want reviews of their games published no earlier than the day of release, when the game is available for purchase.

This isn't nefarious, and the request is always phrased politely, but the timing of a review for a smaller game can have a huge impact on the sales of that game. Ars Technica spoke with Tom Ohle, who is doing PR for the just-released Anomaly: Warzone Earth, about why early game reviews can hurt the sales of these games.

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